Monday, 27 June 2011

ISTE day 2

Ok I have made it to the monday of ISTE. Now for some more cogent thoughts on this thing.

When I said in a slightly panicked manner last night that this thing was huge, it's really big. I am sat in the bloggers lounge just inside the front doors of the center and the hum of people and noise is deafening. I am absolutely surrounded by people, I can guarantee each of them is carrying at least two wireless enabled bits of technology (as you can imagine, the bandwidth here is straining and heaving.) There is an almost electric hum about this place.

I have never seen so many interactive whiteboards, that may sound silly but it's such a sign of where we are. Every presenting booth has one donated by one company or another. They're new and shiny and beautiful. (I know, my love of them may be a little unhealthy.)

My little Eeepc couldn't handle the strain. It's bios is way out of date and the wifi couldn't cope with the network here, it wheezed and strained its way through yesterday but I have had to lug the heavy duty laptop to the conference with me today.

I've left myself this morning to check out some booths and go stare at whiteboards. Let's see how I do.

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